movie: a walk to remember, actor: shane west, actor: shane/mandy

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  • 74 - Cry Music Video, AWTR Trailer, Shane West

    clez wrote in clez_icons Apr 28, 2006 01:42

    Yup... a not-quite-so-eclectic mix here for you. I love it when websites upload new pics for me to play with XD These are all Shane West Fan. So... what do we have...

  • 27 - Cry Music Video
  • 22 - AWTR Trailer
  • 25 - Shane West


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    music video: cry, movie: a walk to remember, actor: shane west

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  • 40 - Mixed Batch!

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jan 12, 2006 04:58

    Everybody loves a mixed batch! :D And if they don't, well... sod it, they don't have to take any notice of me, do they? XD Insomnia's a bitch Ahem. Yes... I've grown a bit fond of this technique, and I've basically been trying it out on random pictures to test the results and which pics it works best with, etc, hence the random-ness of this post. ( Read more... )

    actor: shane west, movie: lxg, movie: potc, movie: ginger snaps, tv: er, tv: btvs, actor: orlando bloom, movie: a time for dancing, movie: a walk to remember, movie: troy, movie: whatever it takes

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  • 100 Landon Carter; made for icons100

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jan 08, 2006 03:14

    Okay, here we go... the big haul. This is for my record, and because, yay? I don't know. I want to put them all in one big post, in a nice big grid. ((Yes, I blatantly copied and pasted that from my big Tom Sawyer post))


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    challenge: icons100, movie: a walk to remember

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  • 28 - Landon Carter (A Walk To Remember) - icons100

    clez wrote in clez_icons Jan 08, 2006 02:51

    My final batch. At last x____X Took me long enough.

    Okay, here goes:


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    challenge: icons100, movie: a walk to remember

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  • 30 - Landon Carter (A Walk To Remember)

    clez wrote in clez_icons Dec 29, 2005 01:53

    Yup, so I love this style of icon too much, and a friend of mine opened her website with a buddy of hers; they have some insanely awesome pictures over there O_o So yeah, if you're curious, go check out Fearsome FoursomeGot 30 in this batch, all from the first few scenes in the movie, up until where Jamie crosses off #42 on her list by " ( Read more... )

    movie: a walk to remember

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  • 22 - Landon Carter - icons100

    clez wrote in clez_icons Dec 12, 2005 21:39

    So yeah, my date expired before I could finish, but I got an extension, until Christmas Day no less ^_^ So here's what I have done so far, for you all to peruse, or use, or... whatever your hearts desire. Enjoy!


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    challenge: icons100, movie: a walk to remember

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  • 146 icons + 5 graphics/banners/headers

    clez wrote in clez_icons Oct 15, 2005 16:05

    Oi... I really shouldn't let these build up, should I? It's my own fault, huh? *shrugs* Here we go:

    [o6] Lost
    [o2] The OC
    [35] Shane West
    [26] Firefly
    [o1] Keira Knightley
    [42] LXG
    [o2] Lena Headey
    [o2] Once & Again
    [o2] Sarah Carter
    [o1] A Time For Dancing
    [o1] Get Over It
    [o4] X2: X-Men United
    [o8] Nature (Great Horned Owls)
    [o1] A Walk ( Read more... )

    actor: keira knightley, movie: lxg, movie: get over it, animals: owls, movie: x-men, comics: vg cats, tv: firefly, movie: a walk to remember, graphics: banners, tv: the oc, tv: lost, graphics: graphics, actor: shane west, graphics: headers, actor: lena headey, tv: er, movie: a time for dancing, actor: sarah carter, tv: once & again

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  • Batch #1 of icons100 - 1-50 (All Themes)

    clez wrote in clez_icons Oct 04, 2005 18:53

    So I went a bit mad and made all 50 of the icons100 theme icons. So, here they are, #'s 1-50, all in theme order, and you can find the themes in order in the community user info.

    So yeah, here they are...


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    challenge: icons100, movie: a walk to remember

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  • Various graphics - 64 in total

    clez wrote in clez_icons Aug 29, 2005 18:58

    Random bunches are love... or not. Whee... so I guess these have been building up for a while, and here they all are. We've got icons, and headers in this big ol' batch, so I hope you'll all find something you like. I think you might, considering the variety to choose from, aheh >.>

    [o6] Firefly (all Inara or Simon)
    [o2] A Walk To Remember ( ( Read more... )

    tv: lost, animals: wolves, animals: werewolves, movie: van helsing, actor: shane west, graphics: headers, movie: x-men, movie: sin city, tv: er, tv: firefly, movie: a walk to remember, tv: six feet under, actor: justin chatwin

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